Week 10: Supernatural Girls

Leah Arroyo
2 min readNov 9, 2021
  1. What are your thoughts on the evolution of depictions of Supernatural Powers in young women?

I never realized the correlation between actresses who play supernatural characters with powers and their advocacy and charity work off the screen. Now that it is being discussed, it seems like pretty much every major sci-fi actress has done this. I think it is phenomenal. I think any young actress making bold statements of advocacy and equality is powerful because their target audience is the youth. I have so much respect for celebrities who use their platform for good.

2. How is magical power related to adolescence?

When you are little, nothing is impossible. I believe, adolescence IS magical. Everything is a novelty, the sky is the limit. I think seeing females in positions where they hold the power is really impactful. I remember most superheroes or mythical beings being men growing up. I’m aware of there were many females with magic in media even before I was born, but they weren’t mainstream. I wasn’t exposed to them. Hermione was the first for me around age 9. Girls grow up hearing phrases that question or undermine their girlhood I think magic is related to adolescence because it knows no gender.

3. What impact does the depiction of magic and the sense of agency it represents have on real girls and young women?

Relating to question 2, nothing is impossible. For example, seeing Hermione hold her ground, stand up for herself with such courage, and being such a good friend is magically within itself. On top of that she is a wizard, which is super cool, especially to a young woman. Then, seeing Hermione off screen hole herself with the same courage and grace keeps the sense of magic alive.

4. Are you aware of additional girl icons with magical powers? Please share in your post with images.

Yes! Selena Gomez in Wizards of Waverly Place. She was my favorite celebrity growing up and still is! Coincidentally, she is also an activist!

5. Do you see a correlation between the career opportunities of these young women performers and their evolution as feminists?

Yes! I 100% do! Like I said in class, I was pretty blown away when learning about the pattern between supernatural actresses and their activism. All of these celebrities are also, pretty consistently, out of drama. They use their platform for good, not for clickbait.

